UPDATED: 2021 *predicted* Nürburgring TF calendar

In order to satisfy the thousands of people who ask “Where are the 2021 Nürburgring opening times” on every form of social media, every single day of winter, I have created this:

  • BTG Nürburgring Tshirts & Prints


*your best-guess guide to making your 2021 travel plans.

DISCLAIMER: This calendar is the product of a bored BTGer (me) who just saw the release of the official 2021 VLN/NLS calendar on Facebook. I base my predicted (blue) TF opening times on my 20-years of experience in Nürburgring things.


What are the normal opening times for Nürburgring Nordschleife public sessions?
Normally the ‘Ring is open for public driving every night from Monday to Friday, and all day Sunday from 0900 to 1900, last entry at 1845. Many Saturdays are taken by VLN/NLS/RCN/GLP race events. On Monday to Friday the track will normally open at 1715 and the last entry to the track is before 1915. All you need is a driving license and a road-legal car or motorcycle.

Why don’t you show all those mid-week evening times on your calendar yet?
Because we’re still waiting for the confirmed Industry-Pool, training and trackday calendars to be released. All of those events can close-down or restrict TF evening sessions.

Why aren’t you showing <insert a weekend> as open? I don’t see anything else happening that weekend?
With up to a dozen race events still unscheduled, we will lose 7-8 of those Saturdays and a Sunday too.

How sure are you of the blue, predicted dates?
Sure enough to publish them here on BTG, but not sure enough to offer any kind of money-back guarantee on booked flights, ferries, camel-trains or Zeppelins.

2021 Nürburgring opening times are in high demand!

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