Tourist hit taking photo under the Nürburgring sign

Search for the hashtag #Nurburgring on instagram or facebook, and you won’t have to scroll far to see a shot like this one, or maybe this.


But, according to German news reports on RPR1, that’s exactly the photo that put one 36-year-old British tourist on air-ambulance this afternoon:

This morning the 36-year-old Briton wanted to cross the four-lane highway to photograph his car and his pals before the “Ring Arena”.
But he looked in the wrong direction. He was hit by a motorcycle and hurled through the air. With bone fractures and severe internal injuries, he was flown to the hospital. The motorcyclist was unhurt.

Original report here (in German)

Yeah, that’s some bad mojo right there. I send my best wishes to the poor chap eating sauerkraut from a paper bowl in a foreign hospital tonight.

While it’s certainly not the first ‘incident’ at that spot, it’s possibly the first that required an air ambulance. This is a photo that’s become so clichéd, and so popular, that every single day dozens of people are trying to recreate it. Considering that, it’s probably only a matter of time before physical measures will be employed to stop people from doing it. And that would suck, right?

Think about the three fatalities in recent weeks, and this is another body-blow to the reputation of the track we all love.

So this a Public Safety Announcement:

Taking photos on the side of a major 4-lane road is A Bad Idea.

Why not park in the car park opposite? I parked a little far away on purpose, but you get the idea…

Don’t die for a cliché, at least.

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