IMPORTANT: Brünnchen & Pflanzgarten car parks CLOSED for 2021 TF re-opening

In a last-minute change-of-plans, the Nürburgring has accepted advice from the District Ahrweiler, and the carparks at Brünnchen and Pflanzgarten will remain closed for the duration of the weekend.


Nürburgring made a special post clarifying the new situation less than an hour ago:

Alternative parking will now be available in the field opposite the Nordschleife Tourist Entrance (In Der Acht) and also in the historic paddock.

Obviously, the attention of both local and national government has now been turned on to the Nürburgring, and it’s imperative that this weekend goes smoothly for the circuit operators, local businesses and its fans.

So, with that in mind, please keep your distances and whenever you’re on Nürburgring property, wear your mask!

UPDATE: I have notice people complaining that the carparks were open all winter. Incorrect; they were officially closed, but the fences and gates have been broken apart and the signs removed several times. I reported on this multiple times.

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