What’s better than four hours of racing on the Nürburgring’s Nordschleife? How about four hours with no GT3 cars in sight? Just an endless sea of production-based BMW tin-top touring……
Category: N24
LIVE: 2021 Nürburgring 10-hour race update
<UPDATED FOR MY BAD MATHS>After fog enveloped the Nordschleife and Grand Prix circuit, just 6-hours into the N24, race control pulled out the red-flags last night at 21:30. Within an……
LIVE: N24 2021 is GO!
The livestream of this year’s ADAC Nürburgring 24-hour has already begun! The weather will be unpredictable throughout the race… 2021 Nürburgring 24-hour livetiming here <CLICK TO OPEN IN NEW WINDOW>…
LIVE: Thursday N24 Qualifying 1 threatened with thunderstorm
It’s that time of the year again, and the best race in the world is about to begin! Yes, it’s the Nürburgring 24-hour, and every day I will be posting……
#N24H: Camping is allowed (within limits!)
News has just broken that camping at the Nürburgring 24-hours will be allowed in less than a week’s time! There are some limitations though, and you won’t be able to……
2021 N24 limited spectators allowed, tickets now on sale!
Some fantastic news this morning, as the Nürburgring and ADAC have announced that 10,000 tickets have gone on sale for this year’s Nürburgring 24-hour race. With less than two weeks……
Hotels re-opening, spectating at the Nürburgring “not a cause of infection”
Today there’s a double-whammy of GREAT news for Nürburgring racing and touristenfahrten fans! First of all; the state of Rheinland Pfalz has just agreed to a roll-back of restrictions in……
A treasure-trove of old VLN and N24 onboards just dropped on to Youtube
Before Manthey-Raeder there was Raeder Motorsport. Before that, there was the Raeder brothers and Breuer Rennsport-Technik. And there was a Mitsubishi Evo VIII running slicks, carrying big aero and pushing……