Some fantastic news this morning, as the Nürburgring and ADAC have announced that 10,000 tickets have gone on sale for this year’s Nürburgring 24-hour race. With less than two weeks before the first cars hit the race track for night-time qualifying, this is fantastic news.
Naturally you can purchase the tickets immediately from the updated Nürburgring website. Tickets are only for the grandstands, but cost as little as €20 when pre-ordered online. A whole weekend pass (actually good for several days of racing) is only €55 per person online.
Visitors must have tested negative for COVID-19 in the last 48-hours, or have been vaccinated, or have a doctors letter attesting to a positive recovery (and immunity) from COVID-19. Both PCR (up to 48 hours old) and Rapid (up to 24 hours-old)tests are allowed.
You can read the full nitty-gritty over at the Nürburgring’s website right now.
I’m as disappointed as any of you that a solution for camping couldn’t be found this year. This will now be the second year of N24 without BBQ smoke, Euro-beat, and air-horns to greet the incoming night-drivers. But now there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and for that I’m grateful!

Photos courtesy of the official Nürburgring 24-hour website!